Upcoming Trials

Who Should Consider Clinical Trials and Why?

It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help. It's also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may respond differently to treatments. Some people participate in clinical trials because other treatment options either did not work for them, or they were [...]

Does Your Asthma Seem to Worsen During the Summer Time?  

Try some of these tips to help you get through the hot summer days. -Pay attention to pollen counts in your area. When pollen counts are high, stay indoors as much as you can. Try going out later in the day; counts are usually high in the morning to midday. -When you are indoors or [...]

Who should consider clinical trials and why?

It is important to conduct research on drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help. It is also important to have a variety of people participate in clinical trials because different people may respond differently to treatments. People of different ages, races, ethnic groups and genders are included in trials.

Having asthma shouldn’t restrict you from traveling, with the proper preparations you should be able to enjoy your trip!

Here are a few tips for traveling with asthma: See your physician Have emergency medications Pack strategically Ask your doctor for a letter to give to TSA Be smart and communicate Beware of the climate

The air you breathe!

The air you breathe has a big impact on your health, indoor air can sometimes be more polluted than outdoor air. Allergens, which come from pollen, dust mites and pets can cause a reaction to your COPD. Irritants can also make breathing more difficult. Common indoor air irritants include chemicals used in paintings, finishing or [...]