Pharmaceutical drug

Manage your COPD!

Once you've been diagnosed with COPD there are a number of treatment options available for you to consider. These include: -Respiratory medications -Breathing exercises -Pulmonary rehab -A healthy diet -Regular exercise plan Be sure to check with your healthcare provider to make sure any of these options are appropriate for you.

Need frequent rescue from your uncontrolled ASTHMA?

Local doctors are currently conducting the LAVOLTA II research study for patients who are unable to control their asthma, despite the use of conventional asthma controller medication. They want to evaluate an investigational asthma drug to see if it can help better control asthma symptoms.  If you've been medically diagnosed with asthma and are having [...]

Why do people join clinical trials?

People join clinical trials for many different reasons. Some join a trial because they have tried other therapies that have not worked for them and are looking for new treatment options. Others join because there is not an effective treatment for their health issue. By being part of a clinical trial, participants may find out [...]

Do you or someone you know have Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension?

Discovered in 1891, no treatments were available until 1994. Though there is no cure, several treatments have been approved for PAH thanks to research. Taking part in a clinical trial will help increase a better understanding of medications, procedures, and other therapies.

Fibromyalgia Clinical Study

Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by chronic widespread pain in all parts of the body. Fatigue, sleep problems, and multiple tender points on the body are also very common. Participation in this trial is completely voluntary. You will be given, at no cost to you, examinations and investigational medication to evaluate your pain over a [...]